
Tuesday, 26 July 2011

‘Si el mar era de leche’

Canning House | 27th July 2011 | 19.30-21.30
Tickets: £12 / Members: £10

Friday, 22 July 2011

Black Sabbath: Masters of vertigo


A Baltic Beach

A church ahead
through porous trees
the sound of summers
been and will be
children follow
an exhausted leader
who stumbles onto the here
and whisks herself to maybe

Down the way
past ice-cream ladies
the beach glows
with sun-kissed everybody]
hats fix firmly
atop soft corpulence
as little people wade
and splash all and sundry

Holding hands

Giving in each time around
a sentence not even I believe
Am alone in this so hold my hand
and divide the cells of my pain

Maybe only then grace pours back
into lonely blood and a dead heart
where tears stored overpower hope
until you hold my decaying hand

Dreaming goodbyes

Will we make it to the promised land
by a lake so still it soaks our souls,
in a forest of sweet smelling pine
dampened only by our woes

My very own wooden cabin
will house all the lessons
of forgetting your misty eyes
as the inner noise deafens

The wind blows on my deformed face
like supple breaths of relief
A red boat sets sail
greeted by our inevitable wreath

Friday, 8 July 2011

Gainsbourg the contrarian

click here for interviewGainsbourg says: 'I'd love to try Hollywood but I'm not seen that way'

summer and you

summer's lost in rain clouds
and the absence of your touch,
summer didn't make it here
so you don't like me much

summer went on holiday
like we often used to do,
summer has a hangover
and it looks like we do too

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Tuesday, 5 July 2011


Did you just say what I was thinking?
And leave me flattened by the blow
Did you just reach my inside heart
The one I wouldn’t dare to show

Did you just hit the nail of candour
On an unvarnished rotting head?
Did you just deflate all the air
I’d pumped into the living dead?

Did you just utter the gospel truth
The infallible axiom of our past?
Did you just let off all your steam
To  question a love built to last

It's Kind of unbelievable that we're not all dead

British Sea Power