
Friday, 29 November 2013

Cat got your coffee?

"J’aime cette dichotomie classique entre l’humour et la tristesse. La vie est tellement absurde que nous avons besoin des deux»
Vampire Weekend
I want to see jeune et jolie but not feeling either....

Thursday, 28 November 2013

The old Tetley Brewery

The Tetley

This has just opened as a new gallery in Leeds but used to be the Tetley brewery. I am almost tempted to visit just on account of the fact that it might still smell of a cuppa.
My oyster card cover is now neon pink and has the restaurant Bill's advertised all over it, which is good both for the now less likely event of losing it and also to remind me of Bill's sweet potato fries, a warming thought this winter. To be reminded of them at least twice a day will most probably lead to a whole new wardrobe in much bigger sizes; oh the wonderful game of consequences.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Phosphorescent played at the empire last night and finally brought atmosphere and all important warmth to a dull November...they were mellow but had sound, they spoke but interrupted themselves with authentic play, there were lots of them but none vying for attention, they all looked stoned but were jovial and alive when making contact with their instruments.


This season is the worst culprit for sleep deprivation so to avoid another tossed and turned night, I turned to age- old wives tales and filled a cup with almond milk, a dash of honey, even more of a dash of nutmeg and then heated this strange liquid and let it flow past my lips, down my oesophagus and into the body, where it was hoped that it would reach the nervous system, tone it and calm it and finally, though not easily, let it sleep.
I backed this up with a ritualistic foot massage with heated sesame oil and then went to sleep externally and internally adrift. I am a snoozing buddha

Monday, 25 November 2013

'We walk a highwire between wanting to reach a new depth, and releasing all wanting'

Sara Campbell, British freediver

Yet again, the idea of letting go comes up as a way to succeed. She is talking about personal glory over participation and the damaging effects it can have. Actually, softening the approach to all aspects of life must lead to less inner hardness. It's just a shame Nick Mevoli, who died last week from another dangerous dive, didn't realise this sooner.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Oliver Sacks in his book, Awakenings, talks about nourishing the human spirit with simple things, whether it comes to work or family. I have found it hard, of late, to tap into that spirit and with an rhythm of life ressembling a military armed force in training, it is increasingly challenging to avoid distraction and reconnect. So, I'll stop in the swarm of activity, I'll rest a tired head on a softening and  supportive pillow, I'll sip tea slowly to accentuate each last sip, I'll speak at a reduced rate because its less expensive to the mind, I'll listen intently to others' woes because they are my own and I'll stop separating my existence from others' because this defies oneness, the real spirit.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Thursday, 21 November 2013

"Knowledge that helps us cultivate humility, simplicity, and selflessness is true knowledge." ~Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Sometimes you meet someone in a specific moment in an unforeseen place and everything seems just as it should be and the haphazardness of it goes out of an ephemeral window and you are left with just perfect, sweet timing, even though this in itself is our own doing and our own illusion.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Una imagen Mexicana

Under the Mexican Sky: Gabriel Figueroa at LACMA. Wish I could be there...

Monday, 18 November 2013

Spanda means space more or less in Sanskrit and I am thinking I need to go and find some of that somewhere soon. Expand derives from Spanda and whilst I don't want to expand myself just yet, I would quite like to 'spand' a little more.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

These album sleeves are some of the best in business but my favourite is the big salmon (bottom right) designed by Edwyn Collins in a DIY job as part of his recovery from two strokes. Apparently, he has been drawing and writing music from scratch and says that these drawings help his dexterity. So much so, that he has made it into the top 50 sleeves... inspiring

Here are the other nominees:

(Clockwise)‘The Way Things Fall’ by Adult; ‘Songs Cycled’ by Van Dyke Parks; ‘Understated’ by Edwyn Collins; and Daft Punk’s ‘Get Lucky’

Celebrating 50 years since the making of...

Vous êtes abonné à Grazia ? Votre magazine vous invite à venir fêter en beauté les 50 ans de la sortie en salles du « Mépris » de Jean-Luc Godard.  Venez assister à la projection du film en version restaurée, qui sera suivie d’un cocktail et d’un concert exceptionnel. Premiers inscrits, premiers servis ! Plus d’infos et inscription ici

Despite this, Javier, I still love you

Quand les cheveux de Javier Bardem se paient sa tête. Dans "Cartel" (sorti ce jour), l'acteur espagnol arbore la dernière d'une longue série de coiffures... euh... "spectaculaires". Petit inventaire.

Today is about looking at random inscriptions in second hand books

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

I am an arsehole

It's not often that artists admit to their wrongdoings, particularly in front of a London throng of tipsy music lovers. Asaf Avidan pulled it off last night, though and made women coo from the back of the hall with his apparent lack of ego and regretful songs. His voice is like a natural breath and yet so unnaturally and exceptionally talented. Blown away... maybe you are too?

Monday, 11 November 2013

'The film I am going to do next is going to be a film in which people walk'
Alfonso Cuaron

angelic body

Gravity picture gallery
I have decided to return to this blogging affair after a long break... mainly because it is raining outside and my thoughts have turned inwards but also because I miss the Blogger logos and the space to proverbially cry on a virtual shoulder.