
Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Theme of the month: Lighten up

The days are getting longer at a snail's pace but it's there and on the horizon, more sunshine awaits us, more glorious basking in it until you fall asleep only to awake with a bee on you and your purse stolen from a park bench... no, I won't go that way. I actually think it's brilliant that it's lighter and that we have entered the shortest but by no means the worst month of all. Perhaps to celebrate this, I went to a screening of Just Go With It, a typical rom com, one you could predict with your eyes shut and your head in the popcorn but it made me laugh nonetheless. Besides, it was set in Hawaii and if you look past the tacky resort and the mini umbrellas floating in your drink and your hair, then it must be a pretty fun film set. Also, why have I not taken up hula dancing before? Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman caused chins to drop to the floor in blissful unison.....

Read the full review here:

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