
Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Some must cry so that others may be able to laugh more heartily
Jean Rhys

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

"The black moment is the moment when the real message of transformation is going to come. At the darkest moment comes the light."


                                               ~ Joseph Campbell

Sunday, 15 December 2013

The difference between the cosmos and man is ou a difference of degree not of essence
The difference between the cosmos and man is ou a difference of degree not of essence

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Everybody needs a little booja booja now and then

Booja booja chocolates
Everybody needs a little booja booja now and then

Booja booja chocolates

Monday, 9 December 2013

At the centre of your being you have the answer ; you know who you are and you know what you want'
Lao tzu, Taoist
Christmas came early this year with a visit from a friend who talked to me about creative living and reminded me how vital this is. If each of our subtler bodies thrive, there is no need for boredom, stress or problems. Sustaining energy levels is not about down timing or lying on the couch. Revving up your passion, searching for the real and finding your own truth is like ginseng to the soul. Thank you, friend, for this wonderful lesson.

Sunday, 8 December 2013

'Live life like it's the second time and you lived it wrongly the first time'

Holocaust survivor

Friday, 6 December 2013

Have we listened to our bodies, or have we been pressured by the world to live to its tune, and ignored our own?
  • Have we breathed from our natural gentleness, or from the situations we face?
  • How has our worry impacted our nervous system, and our connective tissue?
  • How about our heart? Have we opened it in full, to beat the fullness of our love, or has it struggled to beat in a body that is constricted by a fear of being hurt?
  • Have we slept to nurture and refresh our bodies, or out of exhaustion from overdoing it during the day?
  • How have substances such as caffeine, sugar, smoking and alcohol taken their toll, if we chose to take them?
  • How have we held our bodies every day?

Thursday, 5 December 2013

There is no passion to be found in playing small

Nelson Mandela

Friday, 29 November 2013

Cat got your coffee?

"J’aime cette dichotomie classique entre l’humour et la tristesse. La vie est tellement absurde que nous avons besoin des deux»
Vampire Weekend
I want to see jeune et jolie but not feeling either....

Thursday, 28 November 2013

The old Tetley Brewery

The Tetley

This has just opened as a new gallery in Leeds but used to be the Tetley brewery. I am almost tempted to visit just on account of the fact that it might still smell of a cuppa.
My oyster card cover is now neon pink and has the restaurant Bill's advertised all over it, which is good both for the now less likely event of losing it and also to remind me of Bill's sweet potato fries, a warming thought this winter. To be reminded of them at least twice a day will most probably lead to a whole new wardrobe in much bigger sizes; oh the wonderful game of consequences.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Phosphorescent played at the empire last night and finally brought atmosphere and all important warmth to a dull November...they were mellow but had sound, they spoke but interrupted themselves with authentic play, there were lots of them but none vying for attention, they all looked stoned but were jovial and alive when making contact with their instruments.


This season is the worst culprit for sleep deprivation so to avoid another tossed and turned night, I turned to age- old wives tales and filled a cup with almond milk, a dash of honey, even more of a dash of nutmeg and then heated this strange liquid and let it flow past my lips, down my oesophagus and into the body, where it was hoped that it would reach the nervous system, tone it and calm it and finally, though not easily, let it sleep.
I backed this up with a ritualistic foot massage with heated sesame oil and then went to sleep externally and internally adrift. I am a snoozing buddha

Monday, 25 November 2013

'We walk a highwire between wanting to reach a new depth, and releasing all wanting'

Sara Campbell, British freediver

Yet again, the idea of letting go comes up as a way to succeed. She is talking about personal glory over participation and the damaging effects it can have. Actually, softening the approach to all aspects of life must lead to less inner hardness. It's just a shame Nick Mevoli, who died last week from another dangerous dive, didn't realise this sooner.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Oliver Sacks in his book, Awakenings, talks about nourishing the human spirit with simple things, whether it comes to work or family. I have found it hard, of late, to tap into that spirit and with an rhythm of life ressembling a military armed force in training, it is increasingly challenging to avoid distraction and reconnect. So, I'll stop in the swarm of activity, I'll rest a tired head on a softening and  supportive pillow, I'll sip tea slowly to accentuate each last sip, I'll speak at a reduced rate because its less expensive to the mind, I'll listen intently to others' woes because they are my own and I'll stop separating my existence from others' because this defies oneness, the real spirit.

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Thursday, 21 November 2013

"Knowledge that helps us cultivate humility, simplicity, and selflessness is true knowledge." ~Pandit Rajmani Tigunait
Sometimes you meet someone in a specific moment in an unforeseen place and everything seems just as it should be and the haphazardness of it goes out of an ephemeral window and you are left with just perfect, sweet timing, even though this in itself is our own doing and our own illusion.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Una imagen Mexicana

Under the Mexican Sky: Gabriel Figueroa at LACMA. Wish I could be there...

Monday, 18 November 2013

Spanda means space more or less in Sanskrit and I am thinking I need to go and find some of that somewhere soon. Expand derives from Spanda and whilst I don't want to expand myself just yet, I would quite like to 'spand' a little more.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

These album sleeves are some of the best in business but my favourite is the big salmon (bottom right) designed by Edwyn Collins in a DIY job as part of his recovery from two strokes. Apparently, he has been drawing and writing music from scratch and says that these drawings help his dexterity. So much so, that he has made it into the top 50 sleeves... inspiring

Here are the other nominees:

(Clockwise)‘The Way Things Fall’ by Adult; ‘Songs Cycled’ by Van Dyke Parks; ‘Understated’ by Edwyn Collins; and Daft Punk’s ‘Get Lucky’

Celebrating 50 years since the making of...

Vous êtes abonné à Grazia ? Votre magazine vous invite à venir fêter en beauté les 50 ans de la sortie en salles du « Mépris » de Jean-Luc Godard.  Venez assister à la projection du film en version restaurée, qui sera suivie d’un cocktail et d’un concert exceptionnel. Premiers inscrits, premiers servis ! Plus d’infos et inscription ici

Despite this, Javier, I still love you

Quand les cheveux de Javier Bardem se paient sa tête. Dans "Cartel" (sorti ce jour), l'acteur espagnol arbore la dernière d'une longue série de coiffures... euh... "spectaculaires". Petit inventaire.

Today is about looking at random inscriptions in second hand books

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

I am an arsehole

It's not often that artists admit to their wrongdoings, particularly in front of a London throng of tipsy music lovers. Asaf Avidan pulled it off last night, though and made women coo from the back of the hall with his apparent lack of ego and regretful songs. His voice is like a natural breath and yet so unnaturally and exceptionally talented. Blown away... maybe you are too?

Monday, 11 November 2013

'The film I am going to do next is going to be a film in which people walk'
Alfonso Cuaron

angelic body

Gravity picture gallery
I have decided to return to this blogging affair after a long break... mainly because it is raining outside and my thoughts have turned inwards but also because I miss the Blogger logos and the space to proverbially cry on a virtual shoulder.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

The height of love

Love is our highest word and the synonym for God
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Good morning

The spirit is like a parachute. It only works when it is open
Frank Zappa

Wednesday, 10 July 2013


I dry an eye
Don't question why
Love is a lie
My bones sigh
And I get by
You reach a high
And I try and try
To put all my
Decisions aside

Friday, 5 July 2013


Please meet us tomorrow bright and early at Terminal 5 zone G
And don't forget to wake up!!!

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Athletic poles

There are more poles at Wimbledon than any other nationality. No joke.

the yoga poster

Yoga is for all


Happiness in the news again

So what should we do to make ourselves happier?

Studies collated by the database say you tend to be happier if you:

  • Are in a long-term relationship

  • Are actively engaged in politics

  • Are active in work and in your free time

  • Go out for dinner

  • Have close friendships (though happiness does not increase with the number of friends you have)

And there are some surprising findings:

  • People who drink in moderation are happier than people who don't drink at all.

  • Men tend to be happier in a society where women enjoy greater equality.

  • Being considered good looking increases men's happiness more than it does women's.

  • You tend to be happier if you think you're good looking, rather than if you actually, objectively speaking, are.

  • Having children lowers your happiness levels, but your happiness increases when they grow up and leave home.



Said we've got holes in our hearts, yeah we've got holes in our lives
Where we've got holes, we've got holes but we carry on

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Secretos de la revolución: Mexico: A Revolution in Art, 1910-1940, at the Royal Academy of Arts


Thursday, 27 June 2013

Dr Ben told me about a fabulous word
Rasputitsa .... A quagmire

Saturday, 22 June 2013

We shy away from acknowledging that there is a point at which its pretty clear that whatever it is that we are so determined to achieve,  is not going to happen 
Lionel shriver

Friday, 21 June 2013

Yoga mat for sale

Yoga mat for sale. Used once. - $1 (Bellevue)Yoga mat for sale. Used once at lunch hour class in December 2009. Usage timeline as follows: 11:45a
Register for hot yoga class. Infinite wisdom tells me to commit to 5 class package and purchase a yoga mat. I pay $89.74. Money well spent, I smugly confirm to myself.

Open door to yoga room. A gush of hot dry air rushes through and past me. It smells of breath, sweat and hot. Take spot on floor in back of room next to cute blonde. We will date.

I feel the need to be as near to naked as possible. This is a problem because of the hot blonde to my left and our pending courtship. She will not be pleased to learn that I need to lose 30 pounds before I propose to her.

The shirt and sweats have to come off. I throw caution to the wind and decide to rely on my wit and conditioning to overcome any weight issues my fiancée may take issue with. This will take a lot of wit and conditioning.

Begin small talk with my bride to be. She pretends to ignore me but I know how she can be. I allow her to concentrate and stare straight ahead and continue to pretend that I don't exist. As we finish sharing our special moment, I am suddenly aware of a sweat moustache that has formed below my nose. This must be from the all the whispering between us.

Instructor enters the room and ascends her special podium at the front of the room. She is a slight, agitated Chinese woman. She introduces me to the class and everyone turns around to greet me just as I decide to aggressively adjust my penis and testes packed in my Under Armor. My bride is notably unfazed.

Since I do have experience with Hot Yoga (4 sessions just 5 short years ago) I fully consider that I may be so outstanding and skilled that my instructor may call me out and ask me to guide the class. My wife will look on with a sparkle in her eye. We will make love after class.

It is now up to 95 degrees in the room. We have been practicing deep breathing exercises for the last 8 minutes. This would not be a problem if we were all breathing actual, you know, oxygen. Instead, we are breathing each other's body odor, expelled carbon dioxide and other unmentionables. (Don't worry, I'll mention them later.)

It is now 100 degrees and I take notice of the humidity, which is hovering at about 90%. I feel the familiar adorning stare of my bride and decide to look back at her. She appears to be nauseated. I then realize that I forgot to brush my teeth prior to attending this class. We bond.

It is now 110 degrees and 95% humidity. I am now balancing on one leg with the other leg crossed over the other. My arms are intertwined and I am squatting. The last time I was in this position was 44 years ago in the womb, but I'm in this for the long haul. My wife looks slightly weathered dripping sweat and her eyeliner is streaming down her face. Well, "for better or worse" is what we committed to so we press on.

The overweight Hispanic man two spots over has sweat running down his legs. At least I think its sweat. He is holding every position and has not had a sip of water since we walked in. He is making me look bad and I hate him.

I consider that if anyone in this room farted that we would all certainly perish.

It is now 140 degrees and 100% humidity. I am covered from head to toe in sweat. There is not a square millimeter on my body that is not slippery and sweaty. I am so slimy that I feel like a sea lion or a maybe sea eel. Not even a bear trap could hold me. The sweat is stinging my eyeballs and I can no longer see.

This room stinks of asparagus, cloves, tuna and tacos. There is no food in the room. I realize that this is an amalgamation of the body odors of 30 people in a 140 degree room for the last 55 minutes. Seriously, enough with the asparagus, ok?

140 degrees and 130% humidity. Look, bitch, I need my space here so don't get all pissy with me if I accidentally sprayed you with sweat as I flipped over. Seriously, is that where this relationship is going? Get over yourself. We need counseling and she needs to be medicated. Stat!

150 degrees and cloudy. And hot. I can no longer move my limbs on my own. I have given up on attempting any of the commands this Chinese chick is yelling out at us. I will lay sedentary until the aid unit arrives. I will buy this building and then have it destroyed.
I lose consciousness.

I have a headache and my wife is being a selfish bitch. I can't really breathe. All I can think about is holding a cup worth of hot sand in my mouth. I cannot remember what an ice cube is and cannot remember what snow looks like. I consider that my only escape might be a crab walk across 15 bodies and then out of the room. I am paralyzed, and may never walk again so the whole crab walk thing is pretty much out.

I cannot move at all and cannot reach my water. Is breathing voluntary or involuntary? If it's voluntary, I am screwed. I stopped participating in the class 20 minutes ago. Hey, lady! I paid for this frickin class, ok?! You work for me! Stop yelling at everyone and just tell us a story or something. It's like juice and cracker time, ok?

It is now 165 degrees and moisture is dripping from the ceiling. The towel that I am laying on is no longer providing any wicking or drying properties. It is actually placing additional sweat on me as I touch it. My towel reeks. I cannot identify the smell but no way can it be from me. Did someone spray some stank on my towel or something?

Torture session is over. I wish hateful things upon the instructor. She graciously allows us to stay and 'cool down' in the room. It is 175 degrees. Who cools down in 175 degrees? A Komodo Dragon? My wife has left the room. Probably to throw up.

My opportunity to escape has arrived. I roll over to my stomach and press up to my knees. It is warmer as I rise up from ground level - probably by 15 degrees. So let's conservatively say it's 190. I muster my final energy and slowly rise. One foot in front of the other. One foot in front of the other. Towards the door. Towards the door.

The temperature in the lobby is 72 degrees. Both nipples stiffen to diamond strength and my penis begins to retract into my abdomen from the 100 degree temp swing. I can once again breathe though so I am pleased. I spot my future ex wife in the lobby. We had such a good thing going but I know that no measure of counseling will be able to unravel the day's turmoil and mental scaring.

Arrive at Emerald City Smoothie and proceed to order a 32 oz beverage. 402 calories, 0 fat and 14 grams of protein -- effectively negating any caloric burn or benefit from the last 90 minutes. I finish it in 3 minutes and spend the next 2 hours writing this memoir.

Create Craigslist ad while burning final 2 grams of protein from Smoothie and before the "shakes" consume my body.

Note to self - check car for missing wet yoga towel in am.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Stay healthy, stay aware and don't be afraid to feel joy no matter how fucked up it all is
Patti Smith

I didn't know France invented the hairdryer

La France fascine les étrangers. Surtout les Américains, qui considèrent Paris comme la capitale de l'élégance et du romantisme. Le site LOL Buzzfeed a réalisé un top 30 des bonnes raisons de déménager en France. Lesquelles vous parlent le plus ?
1 / Commençons avec le pain. Allez dans n'importe quelle boulangerie et le choix est multiple et tout est délicieux/
2 / C'est le seul endroit au monde où on peut se balader en mangeant une baguette et personne ne vous regarde bizarrement.
3 / Et puis, bien sûr, il y a le fromage. Et le fait que les gens mangent du fromage à n'importe quelle heure de la journée, même avant le dîner.
4 / Oubliez le cronut, les croissants sont bien meilleurs.
5 / L'autre chose qui y est délicieuse ? Le café.
6 / Vous n'en aurez jamais assez de manger des crêpes.
7 / Vous savez quoi, tant pis. Toute la nourriture en France est incroyable.
8 / En France, si vous travaillez plus de 35 heures par semaine, les heures supp' sont payées.
9 / Vacances : vous avez droit à 5 semaines de congés payés et 13 journées fériées.
10 / L’État, qui vient en aide à ceux qui ne peuvent pas payer leur loyer.
11 / Il y a plein de choses à faire pendant son temps libre, comme sauter dans un TGV pour aller visiter d'autres villes.
12 / Ce qui veut dire qu'en peu de temps, on peut se retrouver au bord de la mer pour le week-end.
13 / Pareil pour les plages du sud du pays...
14 / ... Et les stations de ski.
15 / Les marchés des villes de province, qui valent le détour.
16 / Aussi, les Français s'habillent bien. Vous ne croiserez jamais une personne en pyjama au supermarché (heu...).
17 / Les musées incroyables (vous connaissez déjà le Louvre). Le musée Rodin est notre préféré, surtout pour la tranquillité des jardins.
18 / Le théâtre est également très riche en France et les pièces variées.
19 / Les films français sont souvent oscarisés (exemple : The Artist).
20 / La vie nocturne : vous en avez marre de vous faire virer des discothèques à 2 heures du matin ? En France, elles ouvrent au moins jusqu'à 4 heures.
21 / La musique est très cool aussi. De quelle nationalité sont les Daft Punk à votre avis ?
22 / Si vous n'aimez pas faire la fête, pas de problème. Pour les Français, l'apéro avec vin, pain et fromage est tout aussi important.
23 / Qu'est ce que la France a d'autre à offrir ? Les 24 heures du Mans (article écrit par un homme, sans aucun doute).
24 / Et puis on n'a même pas besoin de vous parler du Tour de France.
25 / Le parkour est made in France ( Parkour ? C'est le fait de sauter partout, comme les Yamakasi).
26 / La France a aussi inventé les portables à appareils photos, l'aspirine, le sèche-cheveux et même les tailles-crayons.
27 / Le dimanche. Personne ne travaille, tout le monde se repose et les rues sont calmes.
28 / La vie en France en général est plutôt détendue.
29 / Vous pouvez être en retard dans vos papiers administratifs, le mot "deadline" n'est pas si strict.
30 / Alors qu'attendez-vous pour faire vos valises et aller vous y installer ?
7 sur 7 fait remarquer qu'un lecteur a aussitôt répondu à Buzzfeed en indiquant une seule bonne raison de ne PAS aller s'installer en France : les Français... Bon, le message est clair.

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

“The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They're in each other all along.” 

Tuesday, 11 June 2013

"Become loving. When you are in the embrace, become the embrace. Become the kiss. Forget yourself so totally that you can say, "I am no more. Only love exists."... Then the heart is not beating, but love is beating. Then the blood is not circulating, but love is circulating. Then eyes are not seeing, love is seeing. Then hands are not moving to touch, love is moving to touch.

Become love and enter everlasting life. Love suddenly changes your dimension. You are thrown out of time and you are facing eternity. Love can become a deep meditation, the deepest possible. Lovers have known sometimes what saints have not known."

Friday, 7 June 2013

The Poles are big on diminutives. Truncate long names such as Agnieszka to Aga, or Jakub to Kuba (a big leap from formal to intimate in the loss of a single letter), and you'll make friends for life. If you want to take matters further, then try the popular terms of endearment, kotku/'little kitten' and, for a boy, misiu/'little bear'. Note: your lips will be in a permanent kiss with the u/oo- shapes of these romantic appellations.
2. In moments of total incomprehension, resort to that familiar British tactic, the "phonetic-pathetic", in which you try to make a foreign word sound like an English one. Przepraszam/'excuse me' is a perfect example. It sounds a little like 'Push past them!' So whisper 'push past them!' as you squeeze by some Polish folk and see how they move aside. But this approach has its dangers: if you hear kawka (pronounced Kafka), don't start quoting the Czech author – in Polish, the word means 'little coffee'.
3. Rolled Rs are neither favoured nor successfully executed by the English. Commenting on my failure, a Polish tutor once said to me: "Your palates are shaped the wrong way!" But these growling Rs are necessary to swear effectively in Polish. You'll hear kurwa/'whore' every other word in a burst of street-slang, so if you need to slip out of a tight corner, a quick ja pierdole!/'fuck me!' will get everyone slapping your back.
4. The sleeping technique. Taking Brodsky's advice further, try to read, in Polish and in bed, the poetry of Herbert and Różewicz, as well as Nobel prize-winners Czesław Miłosz and Wisława Szymborska. Their lullaby linguistics will make sense in your dreams, so that when you wake you'll find yourself babbling the lyrics to Julian Tuwim's famously rhythmic Lokomotywa. Cudownie!/'Miraculous!' Another version of the sleeping technique is to date a Polish wo/man. In the morning, be sure to whisper: Kochany, gdzie jest moja Kawa?/'Darling (male), where is my coffee?'
5. A shot or two of Wódka Wyborowa – na zdrowie!/'cheers!' - will untie your tongue for that sh-ch train of consonants. And once you've mastered the fact that 'ł' is pronounced 'w' then you will be chatting over a plate of pierogi with your new Polish neighbours in their native language about the composer Lutosławski – whose centenary is currently being celebrated at the Festival Hall and on BBC Radio 3.
6. Finally, if ever in doubt, just nod your head sagely and exclaim, dokładnie!/'exactly!'.

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Monday, 20 May 2013

Try to acquire the weird practice of savouring your mistakes, delighting in uncovering the strange quirks that led you astray. Then, once you have sucked out all the goodness to be gained from having made them, you can cheerfully set them behind you and go on to the next big opportunity. But that is not enough: you should actively seek out opportunities just so you can then recover from them.

Daniel Dennett

The Clash lives on...... in Granada

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Monday, 13 May 2013

Independence I have long considered as the grand blessing of life, the basis of every virtue
Mary Wollstonecraft
What right do you have to sting another
And direct the venom where it will kill
What right do you have to steal a life
and drown it in a lake somewhere
What right do you have to cut the throat
Then justify the painful slice
What right do you have to misery
When creating it comes that easily
What right do you have to opening
A mouth darkened by your frequent bite
What right do you have to turn rose to blue
And make the world a simpering mess
What right do you have to live lies
And with cold eyes make them real
What right do you have to turn to stone
Because movement threatens even you
What right do you have to talk softly
About that which you know nothing
What right do you have to trick the mind
And soften its resistant force
What right do you have to loving me
When loving isn't definite

Friday, 10 May 2013

Acceptance is usually a matter of fatigue above anything else
David foster Wallace
Acceptance is usually a matter of fatigue above anything else
David foster Wallace

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Quote for the day: "Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own" - Robert A. Heinlein
Bury . The . Hatchet.

Shake. The. Shoulders

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Sunday, 14 April 2013

The despair of ambiguity
The lost and found in us
The head is laced with reason
The heart encases truth
The awe of what we will be
The hiding place we've found
The external narrative stays
The unknowing translation
The seeing is all there
The perception overrides
In the arts feeling is meaning
Henry James
A mother is as rich as a river

The label on my tea bag
A mother is as rich as a river

The label on my tea bag

Monday, 8 April 2013

Thursday, 14 March 2013

You do not stop hungering for your father's love even after you are grown up
Paul Auster

Monday, 11 March 2013

For small creatures such as ourselves the vastness is only bearable through love
Carl Sagan
Stem cell research has grown new teeth. Finally a reason not to go to the dentist and not to floss. Phew

Friday, 8 March 2013

Friday, 1 March 2013

we are all just walking each other home

Ram Dass
Correction: Using a smartphone is as emasculating as it is effeminate.

Rats communicate better than us

Telepathy amongst rats across continents via the internet...

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance

Friday, 22 February 2013

Monday, 18 February 2013

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Life can little else supply but a few good fucks and then you die


Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Devon like Venice? Ahem

Reasons why latest immigrants should not move to Britain, according to the Guardian:

▶ Come to the 2013 European Capital of Obesity. It's Contagious!
▶ The Streets Aren't Paved With Gold, Even Under All the Vomit.
▶ If You're Coming With an HMV Voucher, You're Too Late.
▶ Britain: We Just Made the Citizenship Test Really Hard.
▶ Devon: It's Like Venice, But Without Any Gondolas or Bridges.
▶ The Great British Countryside: Soon to Be Blighted By High Speed Rail.
▶ The United Kingdom: If You Think This Queue's Long, You Should See the One to Get Out.
▶ Recession-wise, We've Only Just Got Started.
▶ Scotland: Where the Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet Become Apparent Through Stark Contrast.
▶ Britain Gives You Cancer.
▶ If We Knew You Were Coming, We'd Have Built Some Housing, Maintained Our Infrastructure and Restarted Our Economy.
▶ The Quaint Pubs You See in Travel Supplements Are All Tesco Metros Now.
▶ It's Really Not Like Downton Abbey At All – But Come Dine With Me Is Terrifyingly Accurate.
▶ The English Riviera, Land of Cruel Irony.

Monday, 28 January 2013

"He was an extraordinary poet, an extraordinary comic, a very funny actor .... He was a great great charmer."

Jane Birkin on Serge

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were once walls

Joseph Campbell

Sunday, 20 January 2013

There are so many ways of being better but these ways contradict each other
Sheila Heti ( this woman is just so completely real and brilliant)

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Not horsing around

I can't believe that Tesco has been found to have horses in their burgers.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.
-Viktor E. Frankl

Lose yourself then find yourself

The original title of Almodovar's upcoming film "I'm so excited" is Los Amantes Pasajeros or Travellers in love. I prefer the latter.

Berets are back

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

La mitad de la belleza depende del paisaje y la otra mitad depende del hombre que la admira

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

There was never a time when I did not exist. Nor will we cease to exist from now onwards

Bhagavad gita